A tool to make a Timeshift effect on animations/gifs/videos.
Input: 16 frames, cycles trougth the rainbow (256x256px)
Output: 16 slices, 16px per slice.
By default timeshifter will make as many slices as frames in the animation, but you can alter it that to create different effects.
32 slices, 8px per slice || 64 slices, 4px per slice
128 slices, 2px per slice || 256 slices, 1px per slice
Notice how each slices is basically running the animation in the same order and place, just shifted.
The first one is the original, the second has 1px slices, while the 3rd and 4th have 16 and 32 slices respectively
Things spinning make good subjects, even more if they are already cycled.
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